Sunday, June 14, 2015

First Time Trial

Yesterday was the first day of 2.0. It was my very first time trial. A time trial is to figure out where you fall pace wise. You run two miles as fast as you can you shouldn't be able to talk and it should be really really hard. They time you and based on that they put you in a pace group. In 2.0, Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings our group workouts. On Wednesdays, you do speed work. On Saturday you are in a pace group and you go for a long run. Because you are increasing your distance on Saturdays, you need to slow down. The pace group with a pacer helps you slow down.

I was really nervous because I'm a very slow runner. The highest pace group is a 15 and I was really hoping to not be dead last. Not that I'm not very used to being last at this point! I was actually really hoping for a 14. I ran my two mile time trial in exactly 24 minutes even. That means I ran a 12 minute mile! Twice. They put you in a pace group 1 minute above your pace from the time trial. Remember this is too slow you down on Saturdays for your long run. So I am in the 13 pace group.

I can't begin to say how proud I am of myself and how astonished I am by how far I've come. One thing that I was thinking the whole time that I was running was that when I started my program in October of 2014 I couldn't even run a mile. I couldn't even run a minute. And 12 weeks later I was running 3 miles straight! But the thing is that when I first started to learn to run program way back and then, running the first two minutes was so hard and took everything I had. And now running 2 miles was so hard and took everything I had. But the cool thing is is that no matter where you are in the same journey, you are working and pushing yourself as hard as you can and its the same a feeling you get running your first two minutes as it does running your first two miles. I'll is going as hard as I could and pushing myself to the max and I ran a 12 minute mile. But in that moment the person running a four minute mile with feeling the exact same way. It's amazing. And it's a very cool feeling of camaraderie.

After my time trial, I took Hawksley to the dog park for the very first time. I have been hesitating to do this because I've heard horror stories about dog parks. But I was so very pleasantly surprised and we had an amazing time. He loves every minute and was completely exhausted at the end. A tired puppy is a happy puppy. All together I had a really great weekend. My first homework for 2.0, is a 3 mile run tomorrow. It's going to be 80 degrees tomorrow, so even though there is a group of people meeting at 6:30 p.m I think I'm going to wake up early and do it by myself before work. I hate running by myself, but I hate running in the heat even worse!

I have been thinking a lot about Nutrition lately. I've really not been able to get my head around eating and vitamins and moderation. It's something I've always struggled with. And it's something I will always struggle with. I've accepted that and I'm willing to take on each battle in this big war of being healthy. I think that I need to commit to 21 days of tracking what I eat. I really don't like tracking. But I think that it does help to see what I'm eating each day and reflect on it. I'm kind of looking forward to doing Weight Watchers. Not going to the meetings, but counting.. So that's what I will be doing this week and for the next two weeks at least.

When I pulled out my food jour to get started, I decided to look back on some old entries. I read some from the end of 2013. It was astonishing to read those thoughts that I had when I was so very overweight. Everything was so much harder and I felt so disconnected from myself and from life in general. It was really good to read that to remind myself how far I've come. I've lost over a hundred pounds but the biggest most remarkable change is the day to day. I enjoy life so much more now. It's important to remember that. My biggest success is not my size 10 jeans (which is super exciting don't get me wrong) but my new outlook on life my new healthy body and my ability to just enjoy every moment.

My next goal is to get down to a weight which classifies my BMI as only overweight and not obese. I am 6 pounds away! But my bigger goal is to really get ahead and feel in charge of my eating. So that's what I will be focusing on. The great thing is that with 2.0, all my fitness goals are coached, so I will have help with that. I really want to get faster! And I know I'm in really good hands to accomplish just that.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on kicking tail, Goose! I love you more each day, even as there's less of you each day and you're harder to catch. It's cool though: who hasn't wanted to go on one of those wild goose chases we always hear about. :-P ;-)
